Friday, June 14, 2013

The objective

The objective of this blog is to notate certain experiences that I have had with local businesses and sometimes not so local, in regards to customer service. After 15 years of public service, working for the government, I had never really thought about the importance of customer service. Then came a time in my life when a career change was necessary. I found myself working for a fortune 500 company in the customer service field. After six months perfecting certain techniques that I had been taught and improving upon them, I became an instructor In business communications for telephone customer service representatives. Customer service has Become a big part of my mindset. I notice customer service everywhere I go. Not just in the service I receive or give but the mindset of customer service that builds relationships. The goal of this blog is not to critique these businesses. It is so others might learn From these experiences and grow from them. The majority of these post will be about the restaurant industry. It is from the restaurant industry that people expect the best possible customer service.